

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Eco Aqua~

I wanna to post this two days ago..
but keep postponed...

But after today Eco Aqua class,
i decided to post it now!!!

Know why?
hieh.. hieh.. you will know later...

Last XXXday, i went to jalan- jalan at around UMT... coz decided to ponteng kelas of Com Sc.
So after the class of Eco Aqua, i was walkin around and have a chit chat with the sky, cloud, wind, the buildings.. grass, pond..

Wait... pond.... "pond"...
That's it!!! UMT pond...
What a wonderful place it is.. I remember once upon a time i've been rendam di dalam to do sampling.. ya.. sampling the macrophytes so to do the stupid counting of the no. of individuals for the diversity index kononnya wor..

Ya! and the demonstrator mr bijian(mr b谷)watching us do that with himself senang-lengang.. In fact, he the one asking us to do that..
Erm.. act not a big deal for me to go down there.. Since it is one of my dream in UMT.. Haha!!! But.. Excuse me!! @@... Ask us to count the macrophytes one by one for the whole pond? there are more than hundreds there!!! and some not even of the size of my finger nail... if wan also ask us to do quadrat la.. its ok.. its ok.. ehem.. how about collect benthos with bare hands? WHATTTT!!! what is the purpose of the invention of Smith-McIntyre Grab or corer if we still use such a way to collect for our sample.. and it is a pond.. dirty pond.. is full of bacteria there.... ok.. ok.. im fine with it.. i don't care so much also..
Alright.. identify the specimens u have.. for benthos, take out the specimens with your unaided eyes.. erm.. mr b谷, the nematode, polychaetes and etc, u think they are megabenthos? use rose bengal!!! I think this is the suffering part where we need to find one by one of the benthos with the smell of formalin. Some more he said our progress was slow during sieving the benthos...

Hahaha!!! Back to the topic...

So when i pass by the pond, i heard something..
"Eyek... eyek... eyek..."
So i searching where the sound come from...

Finally, i saw this...


A snake!!!
A slim, short snake crawling around the edge of the pond..
wow.. and it is "eyek-ing"
I never heard of a snake yelling..

But then, this snake has a weird morphology..
especially on its head..
it seems like to have horn on its head, and somehow like a .....


Wow! (again...) a snake who know to produce sound and looks like a dragon!!!
(for a few seconds i really imagine i had found a new species...
and this species name is going to be my name.. muahahahaha)
发梦啦!!!(Satu kaki tendang my head out~)

So i go closer and have a try to look properly on it..
~The "dragon snake"~

Once look properly..
Oh...M..B... I saw...

Can't see?
Here it is...

The snake is biting on a small frog..
Rupa-rupanya the sound is came from the frog who is yelling for help...

(I quickly leave the accident place after i saw that scene...)

-----The End----

P/s: mr b谷, FYI there are snakes inside this pond, so... it is not safe to ask people to go down there collect samples... although it is just a small snake.. use any device for safety if can..
For my coursemate that have been go down the pond, congratulation that you all didnt meet the snake.. ^^


  1. hey, is really disgusting la..the snake!
    oh my goodness! you still have time to take video and also take photo. sweat... =P
    Pity frog....

    Ok, looking forward to meet you guys soon~
    Take care ya~

  2. english? you wrote your blog in english? at last...haha. mcm ni ma. baru easier for some people to read. =p

    that looks like Xanox. maybe it could smell our blood and came back to look for us. you're so lucky to see it happen in nature. =)

  3. OMB, pengsan....
    Got snake...I dun wan go UMT anymore~~~
    我的妈呀~~~最近,做么这么多蛇,恐怖~~~~ >.<

  4. Eijor.... my relative was dead?!...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. WAH 原来 that pond sp. diversity also quite high oh... last time ada otter then ada biawak, now got snake some more! next time must ponteng class go find!!! ^^

  7. Now only I know where you had disappear during com science....^.^

  8. hahaha...gud..write in english so that i can read them...wahaha ^^

  9. 不能顶!!!

  10. hahaha.....oh....water tank do had dark side of it.....ponteng class siang-siang pagi ah....hahahaha...XD

  11. 不能忍了,






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