

Friday, September 28, 2012












Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I Won’t Give Up

Give up” – a phrase which always arise in our mind when we encountered some problems that seem hard to be solved or overcome. Sometimes it comes quick and dissolves quick too; sometime, however comes quick but never fade away.

During days of university, I think nothing could be a big deal except for Final Year Project which I faced a lot of uncertainties and failure while conducted repeated experiments, but “give up” was still not a term for me that time.

After getting into the society, we have started trying to figure out the correct pathway which good for us in future, not only on career, but also on family and love.

Even though I am still thinking of whether is this the road that I chose to be, but luckily I’m still enjoying the whole moment of work and being together with my colleagues. It’s only during the hard time which was a lot of works that burden me out because I’m not the type who like to bring the office work back home and my personal free time has to be sacrificed. Of course, when all of that works were done, I got back to normal routine and continue my life as usual.

“Life is not only about peaks and trenches, but also the every steps that we made on the very solid ground…”


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